Mikhail Yu. Khachay was born in December 25, 1970.
In 1993 he graduated from the Ural State University
(Ekaterinburg), Department of Mathematics and Mechanics.
Scientific work
From 1994 to present he collaborates in the
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics , Russian Academy of Sciences,
Ural Division, at Mathematical Programming. dept.
1994-1995 mathematic
1995-1997 junior
1997-2007 a head of the pattern
2007-present a head of the mathematical programming dept.
His scientific scope lays in theory and methods of mathematical programming and pattern recognition. At 1996 he got a Ph.D degree on Computer Science (Candidate of sciences degree on Mathematical Cybernetics in Russian). His thesis is going under the title 'Classification and Estimates of Committees for Infeasible Inequalities Systems'. At 2005 he got a Prof. degree on Computer Science (Doctor of Sciences in Mathematical Cybernetics in Russia). The title of the thesis is 'Committee Solutions of Infeasible Systems of Constraints and Learning Theory'
Selected publications
1. Hachai M.Yu.
Estimating the Number of Steps in the Linear Correction Method for Solving a
System of Linear Inequalities // Pattern Recognition and Image
Analysis.-1993,-v.3,N1,P 1-5.
2. Hachai M.Yu.
Classification of Committee Solutions of Majority // Pattern Recognition and
Image Analysis. 1997. V.7. N2. P.260-265
3. Khachai M.Yu. Estimate
of the Number of Membres in the Minimal Committee of a System of Linear
Inequalities // Computational Mathematics and MAthematical Physics. 1997, vol.
37, no. 11. pp. 1356-1361
4. Khachai M.Yu. On
the Combinatorial Problem Concerned with the Notion of Minimal Committee //
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. 2001. V.11 no.1 pp. 45-46.
Khachai M.Yu. A Relation Connected with a Decision Making Procedure
Based on Majority Vote // Doklady Mathematics. 2001, vol 64, no. 3 pp.456-459
6. Khachay M.Yu. A Game against Nature
Related to Majority Vote Decision Making // Computational Mathematics and
MAthematical Physics. 2002, vol. 42, no. 10, pp. 1547-1555
7. Mazurov
Vl.D., Khachai M.Yu., Rybin A.I. Committee Constructions for Solving Problems of
Selection, Diagnostics and Prediction // Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of
mathematics. 2002. Suppl. 1. pp S77-S101.
8. Khachay M.Yu. On Approximate Algorithm of a Minimal
Committee of a Linear Inequalities System // Pattern Recognition and Image
Analysis. 2003, vol. 13, no 3. p.459–464.
9. Mazurov Vl.D., Khachay M.Yu.
Committees of Systems of Linear Inequalities // Automation and Remote Control.
2004, no. 2.
10. Khachay M.Yu. On Computational Complexity of the Minimal Committee Problem // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. 2005. vol.15, no. 1, pp. 59-61.
11. Khachay
M.Yu. Computational Complexity of the Minimum Committee Problem and Related Problems
// Doklady Mathematics. 2006. vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 138-141.
From 1995 to present he is teaching in Ural State University at
Mathematics and Mechanics dept, Chair of Mathematical Economics
1995-1999 assistant prof.
1999-2003 assoc. prof.
2003-2007 a head of the Chair on Effective Computing
2006-present prof.
Mathematical Programming Basics
Suppl. chapters of Pattern Recognition
Lectures on Optimal Inventory Control
Systems programming seminar
M.Yu.Khachay is interested in advanced programming technologies also, Microsoft
technologies especially. He has
MCSD certification on VC++ and VB v.6.0 and
MCSD.NET certification on VC# / VB.NET.
From 2002 to present he is a Microsoft Certified Trainer and has a trainer
position in Microsoft Certified Technical Education Center at
ITC Education, Ekaterinburg.
IT Courses
1011 Mastering MFC Fundamentals
1015 Mastering MFC Development
1304 COM-components Development with Active Template
Library 3.0
1303 Mastering MS VB Fundamentals
1013 Mastering MS VB Development
2124 Programming with C#
2555 Developing Microsoft .NET Applications for
Windows (Visual C# .NET)
2373 Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
2565 Developing Microsoft .NET Applications for
Windows (Visual Basic .NET)
2389 Programming with Microsoft ADO.NET
2310 Developing Microsoft ASP.NET Web Applications
Using Visual Studio .NET
2524 Developing XML Web Services Using Microsoft ASP.NET
2557 Building COM+ Applications Using Microsoft .NET Enterprise Services